Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Day of Spring

I can't believe it snowed on the first day of Spring, and on top of that, on Krista's Wedding. It was a pretty snow, but made the logistics of a wedding a little more difficult. Especially when the first thing on the list of the day is to get your hair done. I was a little nervous. The woman that did mine, took it down and redid it 6 times. Seriously. It turned out cute. I don't have any pics of the back, but it was cute.
Krista is a good friend of mine that I met at Barnes & Noble. It's funny, from every job I've ever had, I've always picked up another good friend along the way! This is her daughter, Maddie. Maddie and Addie!
Mom of the bride above and Maid of Honor below.
Bless her heart, being pregnant for weddings is no fun!
Especially at the bachelorette party. We had a good time kickin it up at Wild Whiskey after a good dinner at Murry's. Yum.
The wedding was at Stephens Chapel. I had never been in there. It's very pretty and cozy. The bridesmaids dresses were very pretty and of course so was Krista.
The wedding was beautiful and I'm really glad you asked me to be apart of Krista, thank you and congratulations!

So, I have to share a few funny stories. Friday, Alex started having some dizzy spells again. So, I'm trying to figure out what his "triggers" are. So, Friday morning he wants OJ for breakfast. OJ, pizza, MSG and some other items are just the very tip of the iceberg that can trigger a migraine. I let him have it to see what would happen and he informs me later that he ate pizza for lunch. After lunch, he starts having dizzy spells. So, I'm discussing this with random people throughout the whole day yesterday as the whole bridal party participates in the day of the wedding logistics, getting things ready, etc. I'm trying to explain that it's so hard to determine what's a trigger because there are so many possibilities, the bariatric pressure being one them. Talking about his all day long. That maybe it's the snow storm that rolled in that caused him to start with the dizzy spells. It wasn't until later that night, at the reception when I'm catching up with Martin and explaining this to him that he says, "I think it's barometric pressure." Right. That's what I thought I had been saying all day. I know what bariatric is, and it has nothing to do with the weather. It is more familiar to me and I use it often, from work, and it's just what came out instead. How embarrassing. I do this all of the time. It's crazy. I'm sure nobody really cared about what I was rambling about any so they probably didn't catch it. I hope.

At the reception there was wine, Thank God, yummy food and music. The kids had a blast and both of my kids ran out onto the dance floor when AC/DC came on. Addie, yelling, it's AC/DC! Alex, kept the dance floor hoppin by making requests of Bon Jovi, Journey, Toby Keith and Michael Jackson all night. They get their wealth of music knowledge from their dad. The whole family had a blast dancing the night away. When the night was winding down and the kids were ready to go, Martin ended the night perfectly by requesting Close Enough To Perfect by Alabama for me. I know, it's mushy, but it was a perfect way to end the night.

Congrats Krista and Damien. I wish you the best!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Million Dollar Kid

When Alex was born, we called him our million dollar baby. Not because we thought he was the best baby in the world, or that he was going to make us millions, but because the expense of having and maintaining him started from the very beginning.
I had to have a C-Section with Alex because he was breech, after being on bedrest for two weeks from being pre-eclamptic. When he was born, he was born with a hydroseal. He had to have surgery when he turned one. In the meantime, he had ear infections constantly. So, that's how he became our million dollar baby.
Now, I realize we really don't have it that bad and there really are babies out there that cost a lot more and have more serious, complicated issues. However, after the last 3 weeks, I've spent over $100 in co-pays for doctor's visits. As if the migraines weren't enough....
...this is exactly where I would have rather been than back in the doctor's office at 8 o'clock this morning with Alex for strep! Yep, on top of migraines he has strep. Poor baby. He can't catch a break. More headaches and nausea.
Hopefully, this will be the end for awhile. I'm hoping the meds will kick in for both his migraines and strep and we can get back to normal. Whatever that is!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Pullin in the Troops

When you don't know what to do, when you're at your whits end, and your world is on hold, it feels good to have so many people on your side. It's a good problem to have so many people to inform, to call, and report the news of an outcome. I felt like I had a whole troop of my own for support!

It's awesome when things just fall into place because someone was there to pick up the pieces, help take something off of your plate, and make sure you were where you needed to be as stress free as possible. Thank you. I didn't even have to ask.

I have an amazing network of family and friends and feel very blessed.

Alex was diagnosed with migraines. I feel confident with this diagnosis with the symptoms Alex was presenting, and having a boat load of kick ass nurses I work with to help figure out the "stuff" I haven't learned yet. I also feel very confident with the medical team that examined Alex today. We are going to try the treatment recommended AND we are going to continue with an MRI of the head and an EEG, so, I loved this part, mom can get some sleep. I'm telling you, I really liked this guy. I don't think he was acting, I mean, I think he had good bedside manner and was genuine.

The good from this situation, well besides the above, a huge reminder to enjoy our little ones. Every minute. Don't take things for granted. Oh and, be thankful for your troops:)

Now off to research, you guessed it, migraines.