Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lost Time

Okay, so I'm making up for lost time. As you all know, school keeps me very busy, so keeping up on the blog just isn't a priority anymore.
Addie started dance this fall and LOVES it. She makes up her own routines at home and puts on mini shows for us. She proved me wrong on this, I didn't start her in dance sooner because I really didn't think she would enjoy it. I was wrong!
I just found this very amusing. It's a familiar scene these days. Gotta keep up with Facebook!
This weekend I got to go out for a much needed GNO! It was such a blast and can you believe I gave "the bombs" another chance? This night ended much better than the last time I did a bomb!
This is Sandy, an old Bonnie and friend. No Sandy, I'm not calling you old!! This was one of the reasons we all got together, it's a small world. My friends Kim and Kate know Sandy and we all figured this out and, well, you gotta get together right?
Last weekend, Martin and I got to get away alone for a weekend at Big Cedar Lodge! It was fantastic. I think Martin needed the time away more than I did. He keeps joking that it's hard to be a single parent, but sometimes, I'm sure he does feel like a single parent. The weekend was much needed and we had a very good time.
I love this place, it is beautiful. If you ever get a chance to go, you should. Very kid friendly as well.

Alex finished another season of CYFL football. We almost ended the season as undefeated champs, but the BEARS just didn't pull it off at the last game. They played very well however and this was a great season I'll always remember. Not a great pic, I know. I just got a new camera and do you think I have the time to read the manual and figure out how to use the darn thing? No! I know this is short and sweet, but I have to get back to studying. Till next time...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Letting Go

Letting go is the hardest thing to do as a parent. Being a parent, I think, is the hardest job on earth. I've had to learn to "let go" of things my whole life. But, letting go of your kids, a little at a time is so difficult. It never gets easier either, it seems to just get harder and harder.

Not only is it heart wrenching, it really makes you reflect on yourself. The beating myself up for not being a good enough parent starts. Questioning myself if I've really prepared my kids for what life is throwing at them, and not only that but I am preparing them for the real world they someday must face?
You don't realize how much your childhood, teenage years are really a part of "getting prepared" for the real world. That someday, your going to have to make these decisions on your own.

So, with all of that said, today was the first day of school. Alex started 4th grade and my baby is officially a kindergartner. I know, a little heavy on the emotions just for the first day of school, but I can't help it.
After I took the kids to school, I came home and the house was so empty, quiet. No babies, no arguing, no get me this, can we do that, "all I do is pick up after you kids all day."

And, sadly, I miss it.

Geez, if I'm this bad now imagine what I'll be like when they go to college.

I love my babies.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Hello again friends and family! I thought the new background and title were appropriate as going back to school is what made me MIA! Also, the kids are starting school in a week and a half. Can you believe it? So, the following pictures are random but are a few moments of this summer captured. The first few are us trying to get a family photo the night before Addie's 5th birthday.
Obviously, my attempt not so good. But, while on the subject of me, (totally kidding BTW) this summer has been challenging. I know I made it sound terrible, and honestly at the time it did seem terrible, but it wasn't so bad. I have a love/hate relationship with Chemistry. I love to learn and really if it made sense, I would love Chemistry. But really, there is a lot to Chemistry. My hat is off to those of you that Chemistry comes naturally.
However, it felt, feels, so good to finally get this whole going back to school adventure officially started. One semester down and two to go before I actually start nursing school. Of course, that is if (when) I get accepted. I can't wait. I know I'll go back to school again though. Yes, I really just said that. I don't think this will be the end. I will have to get my master's in something. Probably nursing.
This guy was amazing. Seriously. He became super dad when I became super B*&%h! I wasn't the nicest person during Chemistry. All I did was study, sleep and work. It sucked. Martin picked up the pieces I left lying and carried on. Thanks Honey. It will pay off for you some day too!
...and precious. They were wonderful as well. It's not easy having your mom go back to school. They have been very supportive.
Addie turned 5 this summer and starts Kindergarten. I have been ok with this idea until just recently. I really think the chapter of having babies of my own is over. That makes me sad. I love my kids more than anything on this earth and they are growing up way to fast. Before I know it they will be making lives of their own.
Birthday morning. I don't remember what was so funny.
This was the day my dad had his quadruple bypass. Another reality check. It is so hard to watch your parents get older and suffer. My dad is only 59 and you would never guess he needed to have this surgery. I love my parents and don't ever want to think of them not being with me. He is doing fantastic and is recovering well. That's just how my life is, as I think a lot of people's lives are, when it happens, it happens. Nothing is ever "easy" in my world. Study for a chemistry test, 4th of July weekend, Addie's birthday and dad having open heart surgery all in one weekend. No problem! That's ok, it makes me who I am. I'm so glad I was able to be there for him.

This guy also had a birthday this summer. He also got to participate in his very first World Series. He spent most of his summer playing baseball.
Family is a wonderful thing. I love you J.
This is Ms. Tweets. We had a cardinal join our home this summer and my husband became very attached to her.
Addie also started dance this summer. As you can recall, she has been begging me for months now to do dance and I always thought she was too young and wouldn't really appreciate it. I was WRONG! She loves it. Her and Kinleigh had some good times with dance this summer and are continuing through CPAC. We are very excited.
It's hard to believe that another summer is coming to an end. Where does the time go? I can say, this summer has been awesome, despite the Chemistry, I've been very happy back in school. I feel like I'm doing the right thing. I've had so much fun this summer with friends and family and starting a new journey. Life looks good.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Race of Accomplishment

I did it, I ran my first 10K! I don't really know how to explain the feeling. I wasn't in it to see how quickly I could finish it or to be the first to finish. I simply just wanted to run the entire time and finish. That's exactly what I did and it felt amazing! Thank you so much Kate for your support, I couldn't have done it without you. You are an amazing person.
So, my main goal at the beginning of the race was to keep up with Kate and her running partner. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake considering that I had been "training" with them and had been keeping up with them. Little did I know that they run much faster in the race! Holy cow, I don't know how they do it. I guess the experience of running more races. I kept up with them for a short distance before I felt like I was going to die, seriously. They finished the race in 54 minutes! Congrats to the two of you. Maybe some day I can pull that off. Maybe. So, I ran the race all on my own. The above pic is the first time around. I had to go around twice. This was a really emotional moment. My family was there cheering me on and all I wanted to do was cry and stop running. It really is much harder to run in a race than training for a race. The course was a lot different and more challenging.
As you can you see, I kept going and was feeling very proud by the end. I did it. I can't explain it. It was very hard and took a lot of self determination and will power. It's a great way to connect with yourself. Even better than that, the support of your family and friends at the end and your son telling you that he's running the next one with you. Awesome.

Gumball Fun!

T-ball is officially underway for Addie. Her team is called Gumballs. She is having lots of fun playing t-ball with "her girls." That's how she refers to her t-ball friends, either the girls or her girls.
Playing outfield is not so much fun for the girls. They get easily distracted and start to play in the dirt, dance, strike poses, whatever to keep themselves occupied! Bud is the head coach and God Bless him, he has been amazing with these girls. He is the father of Hayden, one of "the girls."
I think batting is the major highlight of the game for the girls, or maybe the snack or just being together with each other. I'm so impressed with all of the coaches and the head coaches' assistant. Thank you so much for dedicating your "extra" time to the gumballs. Addie really is enjoying it.
This is the first for some of the girls brothers, having to sit on the sidelines and watch! I overheard the conversation they were having, too funny. They were trying to figure out a way to join in on the game. Go figure.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Still Catching Up

As I was going through my photos I realized that I never posted about Addie's Pinkalicious class, in February. We signed her up for this through TRYPS. She has been telling me that she wants to do dance for months now, maybe even a year. It was random though and I really don't think she would like it. So, I opted to try this to see if she liked it or not. She loved it! Check out her friend Kinley, she is a hoot!
She had to practice every Saturday morning at 9:30. I thought this was going to be a challenge for me, but it ended up being great as I got to sit in Panera with Kinley's mom, Kate, and drink coffee! Sweet. I actually really missed doing this once it was over.
The play was really cute and both of Addie's aunts and all her cousins came to cheer her on. I hate how emotional I get at things like these. I am such a sap. I just wanted cry like a baby. She is getting so big. So, she now really insists that she does dance. It's not random anymore, it's constant. So, after T-ball and swim lessons, I think I'm going to have to sign this girl up for dance. I think she likes to perform.
Martin and I catch her in the backyard all of the time acting out scenes of a movie or iCarly. It is so funny.

So, there you have it, I think I am officially caught up on blogging. I don't have anything interesting going on now. Just getting ready to start school, can't register until May 1 since I'm a new student. Looks like I'm going to have to take Chemistry because the Nutrition class is full and the instructor will not take anymore students. This is not so good as Chemistry is every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 7:30-8:30. So, I'm going to have to work 9-9 every Monday and Tuesday. It will be a long day, but I can do it. Alex seems to be doing really well and we haven't had any problems, knock on wood. He is ready for school to be out. Thanks for all of the kind comments on my spring post, you guys are too sweet. Hoping everyone is doing well...

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So, I'm just going to label this post Spring because there is so much I haven't posted lately and so I guess I'm going to start posting in "groups." A friend informed me today that I didn't make it as some super blogger on another friends blog because I don't post that often. I need to get it together!

Easter was beautiful this year. Of course, it wouldn't be Easter if we didn't go to my Uncle Rick's and Lisa's house.

This is Uncle Rick. He's my dad's brother. Look how big Sam is.

This is a extra close up because I'm holding and taking the photo. But, I couldn't resist.
Sammy Wammy, I love you!

Really, he is huge. It's like Kalynn's breastmilk has miracle grow in it or something.

Here's somebody we don't get to see much. Can you believe she is almost 16? She has her own agenda now. I miss her. There is something special about the first niece or nephew. Kelsey will always hold a special place in my heart.

I look so goofy because Addie ran up and jumped on my lap. I thought I was going down for sure.

So, Sam is two months old. This is his mom. Need I say anymore about this picture? I know, she looks great.

JJ, you are so funny! I love your sense of humor.

Sweet Emma girl.

Addie, the orange mustache is doin' nothing for ya sweetie.

Handsome Pansome.

I don't know why this picture flipped on me, ugh.

Emma loves Sam. She is always in his face "hi sam."


A quick game of waffle ball.

So, this is Spring Break vaca. This is Ann, Martin's sister and her son Will. We went to visit them and this is someplace called Shay I think. Anyway, they had fields of daffodils. It was very pretty.

From Ann's house, we went to Onondaga State Park and toured the cave and camped out. The kids had a blast.

Again, a little baseball game.

Now on to, you guessed it, St. Patrick's Day. This is my husband's St. Patrick's attire. As you know, he has to participate in the fun, especially Halloween.

I do like this shirt however and it is so fitting for him. He is a constant smartass!

Everyone had to part take in the fun.

Ok, so this is what I come home to one day after work in the front yard. Alex got a cabbage to plant from school. He immediately walked home from school and planted his cabbage (if you look close, you can tell in the cup it came in and all) and posted this sign! Love it.

Spring has been great. Addie started T-ball and that will keep us busy for awhile. I'm trying to get registered for my classes this summer and before I know it school will be over and summer will be here. Yay!