Thursday, April 8, 2010


So, I'm just going to label this post Spring because there is so much I haven't posted lately and so I guess I'm going to start posting in "groups." A friend informed me today that I didn't make it as some super blogger on another friends blog because I don't post that often. I need to get it together!

Easter was beautiful this year. Of course, it wouldn't be Easter if we didn't go to my Uncle Rick's and Lisa's house.

This is Uncle Rick. He's my dad's brother. Look how big Sam is.

This is a extra close up because I'm holding and taking the photo. But, I couldn't resist.
Sammy Wammy, I love you!

Really, he is huge. It's like Kalynn's breastmilk has miracle grow in it or something.

Here's somebody we don't get to see much. Can you believe she is almost 16? She has her own agenda now. I miss her. There is something special about the first niece or nephew. Kelsey will always hold a special place in my heart.

I look so goofy because Addie ran up and jumped on my lap. I thought I was going down for sure.

So, Sam is two months old. This is his mom. Need I say anymore about this picture? I know, she looks great.

JJ, you are so funny! I love your sense of humor.

Sweet Emma girl.

Addie, the orange mustache is doin' nothing for ya sweetie.

Handsome Pansome.

I don't know why this picture flipped on me, ugh.

Emma loves Sam. She is always in his face "hi sam."


A quick game of waffle ball.

So, this is Spring Break vaca. This is Ann, Martin's sister and her son Will. We went to visit them and this is someplace called Shay I think. Anyway, they had fields of daffodils. It was very pretty.

From Ann's house, we went to Onondaga State Park and toured the cave and camped out. The kids had a blast.

Again, a little baseball game.

Now on to, you guessed it, St. Patrick's Day. This is my husband's St. Patrick's attire. As you know, he has to participate in the fun, especially Halloween.

I do like this shirt however and it is so fitting for him. He is a constant smartass!

Everyone had to part take in the fun.

Ok, so this is what I come home to one day after work in the front yard. Alex got a cabbage to plant from school. He immediately walked home from school and planted his cabbage (if you look close, you can tell in the cup it came in and all) and posted this sign! Love it.

Spring has been great. Addie started T-ball and that will keep us busy for awhile. I'm trying to get registered for my classes this summer and before I know it school will be over and summer will be here. Yay!


  1. Ya'll look gorgeous in your Easter pictures!

  2. Ok, so I'm stupid, Part Take? What the hell does that mean? Is it par take? Somebody help me!

  3. I LOVE all the kids in their matching Easter outfits. ADORABLE! You're right, Sam is HUGE. Everyone looks great. I enjoyed catching up, with the photos from your spring break vacation, too. Partake (participate). You're NOT stupid.

  4. YOu have redeemed yourself:) Great post and beautiful pictures!!!!

  5. Ok..It's Friday night...home alone and I'm blog stalking your blog! :) I think you requested to read mine when I went private a few months ago...anyway this is so weird, your friend Krista...her brother Rick was one of my husband's best friends and was in our wedding!!! How weird is that! Small world! Ok..your family is beautiful and love all the Easter pics!

  6. You look beautiful in all of these photos Ang! I loved catching up on your Spring activities. Your family looked gorgeous in your Easter pics!


  7. Love your Easter pics, love how the kiddos coordinate! You are looking so slim and trim...little hot mama!

  8. oops, posted on the wrong post...wanted to say that I loved the family pics of all of you in your Easter attire. We are loving Spring here too : ) --Dawn
