Thursday, July 9, 2009

Binky Fairy

As you know the "Binky Fairy" came on Sunday and took all of Addie's Binky's. The first night, as I said was really hard. The next day at school when it was time to take a nap, she cried for about 30 minutes. The last couple of nights she really hasn't wanted to go to bed but no crying. This has been really hard for her. Yesterday she asked what the fairy did with her Binky's. Then she asked me last night if I knew where the Binky Fairy lived. I told her I didn't know. She then asked if I could look on a map and find it. I asked why. She continues to tell me while her voice is shaky that she just wants to talk to the Binky Fairy. The girl is breaking my heart. I feel so bad. I hope this passes soon.
Ok, just for the record, Martin does read my blog and he knows I'm only kidding him when I call him a dumb ass. Well, maybe I'm not, but he doesn't get offended!


  1. I meant to ask you about the binkies today and forgot. I hate when they talk to you in that quivering voice. It breaks my heart. Hopefully she get over the hump soon and it won't be as hard. Good job Addie!

  2. OMG...that is breaking my heart too....poor Addie girl! The worst has got to be over!!

  3. Poor Addie!!! Hang in there, guys!
