Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weekend Birthday Bash!

July is certainly the month for birthdays. This past weekend we celebrated our friends Nathan and Riley's birthdays.
These are Addie's friends from school. I discovered something new about Addie at his birthday party. She is quite the little bossy lady. She demanded all of her friends to play with her and how to play with her. When I asked her why she was bossing her friends around she simply replied, "because I want them to play with me."

We also celebrated Riley's birthday. She had a lot of fun stuff to do at her party, including this water slide.

Check out this cake! Of course, I'm totally wanting to know how this cake was made. It was super cute.

Not only did they have a water slide and a super cute cake, but motorized, ride on toys. How fun is that?

Because the typical weather for July is really out of wack they had to create a "hot tub" as Alex called it. It was filled with warm water vs. cold on the water slide.
The ladies particularly enjoyed the hot tub! We had a good time, thanks for having us. I really enjoyed visting with everyone.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting Fall fever something fierce. Must be the weather.


  1. Angie, can you PLEEEEASE email me the picture of the 4 girls in the "hot tub"? That was a good way for Alex to put it! Smart thinking. So glad you guys had fun. Keith said you guys should come out sometime with the kids and Martin and we could get the waterslide back out. Maybe just maybe it will be warmer outside!

  2. NOOOO Fall fever! Boo!!! I love your photos! You got some really cute ones!!!!

  3. Great pictures!!! The picture of the girls in the hot tub is cute. Can't wait to see you your pig cake creation...I wouldn't be surprised if it beats Jonathan's!

  4. Nevermind Angie. I stole the pictures off your blog. Thanks anyway.

  5. I agree with Angelique, you can give Jonathan a run for his money!!! That Addie, she won't let anyone push her around, she will be set for Kindergarten!
