Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Last night was the first night of summer swim lessons and Addie's first time ever for swim lessons. We usually go through Columbia Parks and Rec but we tried something different this year and went with Machers. Both of the children enjoyed it and can't wait to go back on Thursday.
Check out the determination look on her face. Actually, we forgot her goggles and will have to remember to take them next time. Of course, her Hanna Montana ones.

So, on the way to lessons we pass a gentleman on a bike. Now those of you that know my husband well know he is quite the smart ass or dumb ass whichever term you prefer to use. He thinks he is funny. He comments as we pass the biker, "good thing there is a cop right there (filling up at a gas station) or I would harass you." I guess when Martin was younger his friends and him would play a game that they thought was funny and when they passed a biker they would smack them on the ass as they passed them. Anyway, I look at him knowing this and give him the look. You know, the one "I can't believe you just said that in front of the kids look." Because I don't want my kids thinking it is cool to harass bikers. Being the smart one he is, he replies with, "what? like harass is a bad word." He knew damn well what the look was for. Thank God Alex didn't ask what he meant by that.

Either of the kids made a comment because they were distracted by another cop car with it's lights on at McGinty's pulling someone over. No, Hayden, it wasn't your mom! Addie is almost out of her seat belt and car seat trying to get a good look and says, "oh no, what is going on here?" Alex says, "probably just another drunk person." Martin, "probably, since they are at a bar." I swear there is no censorship in my family. Why try and keep the kids innocent?

Alex did really well. We were a little worried because it has been awhile for him and we were worried he would have forgotten everything he had learned. Of course, I shouldn't have been worried because according to the PE coach at school he is a natural. Yeah, I was at school one day a couple of weeks ago and this coach comes up to me and asks if I'm Alex's mom. He just wanted to let me know that he has been keeping an eye on Alex and his abilities in sports. He is a natural he tells me. Playing sports comes very easy to him. Keep encouraging him he will do well. Uh? Thanks. I'm tyring not to go all crazy mom and place him in every sport possible. I'm letting him go at his own pace and try the sports he likes. We'll see. Who knew?

Football starts this fall and Alex wants to play. Look at him! They are going to snap my boy in half. I'm not very excited about this one. Addie is a flower girl in another wedding this weekend. Brittney, Martin's niece is getting married. I hope all goes well and she doesn't pull some kind of Shultz Shenanigan on me. You never know what's going to happen in this family.

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